Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2008
Generated 17-Mar-2009 19:58 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2008
Total Hits 31408937
Total Files 28003665
Total Pages 9265297
Total Visits 44
Total KBytes 334153427
Total Unique Sites 4
Total Unique URLs 226254
Total Unique Referrers 61427
Total Unique User Agents 28575
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 42216 71984
Hits per Day 1013191 1183391
Files per Day 903344 1055291
Pages per Day 298880 362690
Visits per Day 1 11
KBytes per Day 10779143 12739106
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 823
Code 200 - OK 28003665
Code 206 - Partial Content 2516
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 195591
Code 302 - Found 640297
Code 304 - Not Modified 2074165
Code 400 - Bad Request 232
Code 401 - Unauthorized 5
Code 403 - Forbidden 2199
Code 404 - Not Found 447368
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 296
Code 408 - Request Timeout 38833
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 2
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 2945

Daily usage for December 2008

Daily Statistics for December 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 971364 3.09% 869165 3.10% 248741 2.68% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 11426992 3.42%
2 996745 3.17% 898513 3.21% 249434 2.69% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 10511941 3.15%
3 852402 2.71% 762218 2.72% 245955 2.65% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 9082016 2.72%
4 844687 2.69% 748554 2.67% 259084 2.80% 7 15.91% 4 100.00% 9190676 2.75%
5 894862 2.85% 805093 2.87% 253876 2.74% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 10206353 3.05%
6 1026842 3.27% 920593 3.29% 306009 3.30% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 11116786 3.33%
7 1110394 3.54% 993062 3.55% 328022 3.54% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 11531869 3.45%
8 977575 3.11% 872494 3.12% 270418 2.92% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 11102767 3.32%
9 911800 2.90% 813111 2.90% 258143 2.79% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 10073886 3.01%
10 1084464 3.45% 979311 3.50% 285194 3.08% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 11302884 3.38%
11 1044736 3.33% 924865 3.30% 285424 3.08% 6 13.64% 4 100.00% 11269312 3.37%
12 933458 2.97% 833470 2.98% 280162 3.02% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 10050994 3.01%
13 1108106 3.53% 987984 3.53% 326429 3.52% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 12317903 3.69%
14 1136830 3.62% 1010791 3.61% 340097 3.67% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 11811479 3.53%
15 984975 3.14% 877246 3.13% 281441 3.04% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 10528105 3.15%
16 945102 3.01% 842577 3.01% 286158 3.09% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 10161656 3.04%
17 939780 2.99% 845409 3.02% 296480 3.20% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 9915856 2.97%
18 956832 3.05% 856386 3.06% 290138 3.13% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 10669891 3.19%
19 1005518 3.20% 895932 3.20% 306765 3.31% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 10905785 3.26%
20 1095570 3.49% 973267 3.48% 337725 3.65% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 11038452 3.30%
21 1168291 3.72% 1040762 3.72% 355703 3.84% 11 25.00% 4 100.00% 11783601 3.53%
22 1183391 3.77% 1055291 3.77% 362690 3.91% 7 15.91% 4 100.00% 12739106 3.81%
23 1178979 3.75% 1044643 3.73% 348936 3.77% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 12400438 3.71%
24 950384 3.03% 837284 2.99% 289230 3.12% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 9646897 2.89%
25 744222 2.37% 667011 2.38% 230200 2.48% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 7690807 2.30%
26 901914 2.87% 805171 2.88% 270590 2.92% 6 13.64% 4 100.00% 9708453 2.91%
27 955472 3.04% 858074 3.06% 295192 3.19% 5 11.36% 4 100.00% 9732071 2.91%
28 1098275 3.50% 986619 3.52% 325461 3.51% 6 13.64% 4 100.00% 11057448 3.31%
29 1150429 3.66% 1019256 3.64% 356546 3.85% 4 9.09% 4 100.00% 11821351 3.54%
30 1182598 3.77% 1043408 3.73% 358287 3.87% 6 13.64% 4 100.00% 12213816 3.66%
31 1072940 3.42% 936105 3.34% 336767 3.63% 7 15.91% 4 100.00% 11143837 3.33%

Hourly usage for December 2008

Hourly Statistics for December 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 38262 1186149 3.78% 34498 1069459 3.82% 10929 338825 3.66% 400709 12421971 3.72%
1 33604 1041732 3.32% 30392 942182 3.36% 9564 296484 3.20% 364798 11308730 3.38%
2 30443 943763 3.00% 27576 854862 3.05% 8818 273385 2.95% 333393 10335187 3.09%
3 26861 832711 2.65% 24259 752054 2.69% 8018 248586 2.68% 287134 8901146 2.66%
4 25221 781851 2.49% 22926 710727 2.54% 7399 229376 2.48% 275323 8534999 2.55%
5 25809 800109 2.55% 23415 725884 2.59% 7780 241201 2.60% 286409 8878693 2.66%
6 27512 852893 2.72% 24726 766508 2.74% 8759 271546 2.93% 296420 9189021 2.75%
7 29431 912379 2.90% 26322 815982 2.91% 9188 284838 3.07% 312878 9699218 2.90%
8 32970 1022071 3.25% 29178 904521 3.23% 9967 309002 3.34% 357716 11089196 3.32%
9 36237 1123355 3.58% 32549 1009024 3.60% 11298 350239 3.78% 404867 12550883 3.76%
10 41516 1287017 4.10% 37171 1152317 4.11% 12736 394817 4.26% 434656 13474333 4.03%
11 46745 1449100 4.61% 41538 1287708 4.60% 14077 436398 4.71% 474061 14695905 4.40%
12 49656 1539336 4.90% 43578 1350946 4.82% 14718 456275 4.92% 521852 16177415 4.84%
13 51261 1589099 5.06% 45360 1406171 5.02% 15132 469107 5.06% 546880 16953279 5.07%
14 54147 1678584 5.34% 48078 1490439 5.32% 15869 491957 5.31% 580344 17990663 5.38%
15 56926 1764718 5.62% 50296 1559200 5.57% 16992 526774 5.69% 592730 18374638 5.50%
16 58396 1810292 5.76% 51821 1606453 5.74% 17321 536976 5.80% 625275 19383510 5.80%
17 56959 1765732 5.62% 50827 1575645 5.63% 16300 505315 5.45% 605826 18780605 5.62%
18 52367 1623380 5.17% 46306 1435508 5.13% 14741 456973 4.93% 562091 17424809 5.21%
19 52335 1622403 5.17% 46290 1435007 5.12% 15184 470727 5.08% 568568 17625607 5.27%
20 49344 1529694 4.87% 43907 1361145 4.86% 14221 440861 4.76% 522869 16208952 4.85%
21 48171 1493324 4.75% 42673 1322886 4.72% 14080 436491 4.71% 491484 15236011 4.56%
22 45749 1418220 4.52% 40839 1266038 4.52% 13271 411415 4.44% 469815 14564250 4.36%
23 43258 1341025 4.27% 38806 1202999 4.30% 12507 387729 4.18% 463045 14354406 4.30%

Top 30 of 226254 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5022964 15.99% 1215686 0.36%
2 1486811 4.73% 514390 0.15%
3 583155 1.86% 4670349 1.40%
4 467241 1.49% 4799884 1.44% /viewtopic.php
5 412022 1.31% 4174014 1.25%
6 178776 0.57% 41510 0.01%
7 141453 0.45% 167595 0.05%
8 130162 0.41% 1497716 0.45% /profile.php
9 120958 0.39% 6376 0.00% /templates/subSilver/formIE.css
10 104132 0.33% 941665 0.28%
11 90245 0.29% 1891968 0.57% /viewforum.php
12 84384 0.27% 494526 0.15% /w/
13 75110 0.24% 987229 0.30% /
14 74574 0.24% 719368 0.22% /login.php
15 48002 0.15% 848845 0.25%
16 45256 0.14% 486903 0.15% /posting.php
17 39989 0.13% 194702 0.06%
18 39940 0.13% 187193 0.06%
19 39037 0.12% 32466 0.01%
20 38865 0.12% 20712 0.01%
21 38351 0.12% 245348 0.07%
22 37539 0.12% 190109 0.06% /search.php
23 36741 0.12% 44270 0.01%
24 36118 0.11% 20152 0.01%
25 35324 0.11% 133536 0.04%
26 34916 0.11% 117330 0.04%
27 20669 0.07% 1993 0.00%
28 18421 0.06% 106533 0.03%
29 16853 0.05% 14754 0.00%
30 16330 0.05% 116535 0.03%

Top 10 of 226254 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 283 0.00% 9652994 2.89% /DATA/DungeonHack-5-8-07.rar
2 467241 1.49% 4799884 1.44% /viewtopic.php
3 583155 1.86% 4670349 1.40%
4 412022 1.31% 4174014 1.25%
5 90245 0.29% 1891968 0.57% /viewforum.php
6 66 0.00% 1632053 0.49%
7 130162 0.41% 1497716 0.45% /profile.php
8 1287 0.00% 1371560 0.41%
9 388 0.00% 1369433 0.41%
10 5022964 15.99% 1215686 0.36%

Top 10 of 16 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5022964 15.99% 13 29.55%
2 7523 0.02% 6 13.64% /forums/
3 412022 1.31% 4 9.09%
4 75110 0.24% 3 6.82% /
5 5228 0.02% 3 6.82% /wiki/Main_Page
6 15378 0.05% 2 4.55% /forums/viewtopic.php
7 84384 0.27% 2 4.55% /w/
8 7016 0.02% 2 4.55%
9 1486811 4.73% 2 4.55%
10 4763 0.02% 1 2.27% /forums/viewforum.php

Top 10 of 15 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5022964 15.99% 13 32.50%
2 84384 0.27% 7 17.50% /w/
3 15378 0.05% 4 10.00% /forums/viewtopic.php
4 1486811 4.73% 3 7.50%
5 2539 0.01% 2 5.00% /forums/login.php
6 5228 0.02% 2 5.00% /wiki/Main_Page
7 221 0.00% 1 2.50% /forums/groupcp.php
8 3766 0.01% 1 2.50% /forums/posting.php
9 37539 0.12% 1 2.50% /search.php
10 2408 0.01% 1 2.50% /w/opensearch_desc.php

Top 4 of 4 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 28420687 90.49% 26090527 93.17% 309578043 92.65% 22 50.00%
2 2634780 8.39% 1641615 5.86% 12245817 3.66% 2 4.55%
3 207870 0.66% 146369 0.52% 11564022 3.46% 19 43.18%
4 145600 0.46% 127670 0.46% 765545 0.23% 1 2.27%

Top 4 of 4 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 28420687 90.49% 26090527 93.17% 309578043 92.65% 22 50.00%
2 2634780 8.39% 1641615 5.86% 12245817 3.66% 2 4.55%
3 207870 0.66% 146369 0.52% 11564022 3.46% 19 43.18%
4 145600 0.46% 127670 0.46% 765545 0.23% 1 2.27%

Top 30 of 61427 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4249621 13.53%
2 2740200 8.72% - (Direct Request)
3 1518946 4.84%
4 904141 2.88%
5 807010 2.57%
6 498363 1.59%
7 377601 1.20%
8 343949 1.10%
9 241496 0.77%
10 224498 0.71%
11 217182 0.69%
12 186073 0.59%
13 173428 0.55%
14 143402 0.46%
15 134756 0.43%
16 128750 0.41%
17 127712 0.41%
18 114839 0.37%
19 112965 0.36%
20 96242 0.31%
21 95728 0.30%
22 93624 0.30%
23 81195 0.26%
24 79882 0.25%
25 78062 0.25%
26 75989 0.24%
27 73731 0.23%
28 67495 0.21%
29 66901 0.21%
30 66879 0.21%

Top 20 of 11839 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2225 6.46% uesp
2 1816 5.27% morrowind walkthrough
3 1162 3.37% morrowind map
4 948 2.75% eq wiki
5 612 1.78% everquest wiki
6 485 1.41% elder scrolls wiki
7 375 1.09% oblivion map
8 276 0.80% uespwiki
9 254 0.74% bloodmoon walkthrough
10 252 0.73% eqwiki
11 233 0.68% morrowind trainers
12 212 0.62% uesp wiki
13 192 0.56% morrowind master trainers
14 153 0.44% morrowind bloodmoon
15 144 0.42% uesp morrowind
16 141 0.41% map of morrowind
17 134 0.39% morrowind uesp
18 131 0.38% daggerfall
19 120 0.35% morrowind spells
20 115 0.33% morrowind items

Top 15 of 28575 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2233163 7.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
2 1870332 5.95% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
3 1464007 4.66% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506)
4 1020982 3.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5 840893 2.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
6 633343 2.02% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
7 629548 2.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
8 546671 1.74% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
9 466438 1.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
10 444473 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
11 443945 1.41% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
12 440280 1.40% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 4.0)
13 400683 1.28% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET C
14 358647 1.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
15 357875 1.14% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

Usage by Country for December 2008

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 31408937 100.00% 28006181 100.01% 334153427 100.00% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01